The Importance of Being Earnest... About Reading

Kid on stack of books reading


You probably already know that reading is an essential skill. But beyond just being a skill, reading is also an incredibly important part of our overall development.

There are many benefits associated with reading. We'll explore a few of them in this article...


Increased Empathy and Understanding of Others

Reading (especially of fiction) can help to promote empathy and understanding of others. When you read about different characters and their experiences, you can learn to see the world from different perspectives. You gain insight into the feelings and motivations of others, which leads to increased empathy. This can help you develop stronger social skills and become more empathetic and compassionate.


Improved Language Skills

One of the most obvious benefits of reading is that it helps to improve language skills. When you read, you are exposed to a wide variety of words and sentence structures that you may not encounter in your everyday life. This exposure can help to expand your vocabulary, enhance your understanding of others, and improve your ability to use language in a clear and effective way.


An Open Mind


Reading fiction is an effective way to enhance the brain's ability to keep an open mind while processing information. In a 2013 study, researchers looked at the need for "cognitive closure" (one's need to "reach a quick conclusion in decision-making" and "an aversion to ambiguity and confusion"). They found that exposure to fictional stories (as opposed to nonfiction) reduces the need for forming quick conclusions when presented with information.

Essentially, reading fiction (and more specifically, being a frequent reader of fiction) lowers your need for "cognitive closure." You're more likely to weigh the information, consider more conclusions, and change your mind as you read. You're more likely to have an open mind and seek out different perspectives from your own.


Expanded Knowledge and Understanding

When you read, you are exposed to new ideas and perspectives that can expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. Whether you're reading fiction or non-fiction, you're learning about different people, places, and things that you may not have known about before. This can help to broaden your horizons and encourage you to explore new interests and ideas.


To Sum It All Up:

  • Reading increases our empathy and understanding of other people.

  • Reading helps improve our language skills.

  • Reading fiction helps us develop and keep an open mind.

  • Reading increases our knowledge and understanding of the world around us.


With all of these benefits in mind, it's clear that reading is an essential activity that we should all engage in regularly. And it helps to start the habit young. So if you're a parent, do your best to encourage your child to read as much as possible, whether that means setting aside time for silent reading, taking regular trips to the library, or setting up a reward system such as paying them per page read ($0.02/page for chapter books??). By making reading a priority, you set yourself (and your kids) up for a happier, healthier life. 



Djikic, Maja & Oatley, Keith & Moldoveanu, Mihnea. (2013). Opening the Closed Mind: The Effect of Exposure to Literature on the Need for Closure. Creativity Research Journal. 25. 149-154. 10.1080/10400419.2013.783735.